Step 1:

Select the corresponding link below to install the latest version of the Reolink App for iOS or Android.

Download Reolink iOS App from Apple App Store

Download Reolink Android App from Google Play

Step 2:

After opening the app, select the + icon on the top right-hand corner

Step 3:

Select “Input UID/IP” or scan the camera QR code.

Step 4:

Input the camera UID

Step 5:

Input the camera password.

Step 6:

Wait for the camera to connect. When successfully connected, a similar screen will appear.

1: Pause live footage

2: Mute or unmute the audio from the camera

3: Take a snapshot

4: Manual video record

5: Switch video quality (Clear is high and fluent is low quality)

6: Switch video to landscape (full screen) mode

7: Enable two-way talk

8: Enable PTZ features to move the camera

9: Playback recorded footage